Nancy Rondone, CI, CCII, CHNC
Comprehensive Certified Iridologist
Certified IIPA Instructor for Level l and Level ll Iridology Course
sanctioned with
IIPA, International Iridology Practitioners Association
Past Board Member
Certified Health, Nutrition Counselor
Herbal and Muscle Testing
Courses and Classes in Health and Wellness
New Eden School of Natural Healing
From left to right
Toni Miller, Myself, Ellen Tart Jensen, Betty S. O'Brian
Amazing Renown Women
Dedicated, Honest & Caring
Especially grateful to Ellen who was my teacher and mentor who also paved the way for all of us by carrying the torch that Dr. Bernard Jensen passed down to her to continue keeping this unique and fascinating but not noticed enough field of Iridology alive. Bernard Jensen was considered the Father of Iridology who brought Iridology over into the United States.
Toni Miller is a true pioneer in the research and advancement of Iridology.
Betty Sue O'Brian has captured the essence and teachings of Iridology.
I give most of the credit to this sought out web-sight of mine to them,
and I thank all of them for their devotion to Iridology.
My Book ( Eye on Health ) came out March 2023 on
A personalized guide to a healthier you.
I hope you enjoy it
You can order it at Barnes and Noble and other book stores
The purpose of Iridology Life is to show people the benefits of
personalized health awareness.
To enlighten people with the knowledge of Iridology
To understand what their eyes reveal about their health.
To offer information about options that are historically known
to be beneficial to stay well with preventive Health options
To teach Comprehensive Iridology Course on level 1 and level 11
Biography (docx)
Quote “Your body is your shrine, your sanctuary, the vehicle that carries your soul on the journey we call life”. God created the human body with a whole set of integrated systems, and filled the earth with everything necessary for those systems to function and for us to survive. “
Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex! Your workmanship is marvelous-how well I know it. Psalm 139:14"
Iridololgy Life LLC -
Boca Raton Fl
Nancy Rondone, CCII, CHNC